Euroluce è la biennale che presenta le soluzioni più all'avanguardia nel campo dell'lluminazione. Per Astep ApS, Planium crea lo spazio espositiovo.
Our magzine is dedicated to all those who put passion in the work they do.
For over 50 years a specialist in metal processing TERENZI S.r.l. since 2007 has been producing Premiapri Nova by MERONI SERRATURE S.p.A.
In April 2014 we started our collaboration with DIMAC RED S.p.A, immediately confirming a perfect working understanding.
Terenzi Srl, a company of the Meccatronici Group, tell yourself...
The products we realize today, compared to those of , but the production experience is the same, only renewed and updated in over 50 years of activity.
Behind every successful business there is someone who has made a bold decision. (Peter Druker)
COMELIT GROUP S.p.A. innovates its products and TERENZI S.r.l., progenitor of TGroup, innovates the production processes to achieve them.