Latest News


14 February 2020

Square Rooms


21 May 2019

Euroluce 2019, TGroup per Astep

Euroluce è la biennale che presenta le soluzioni più all'avanguardia nel campo dell'lluminazione. Per Astep ApS, Planium crea lo spazio espositiovo.


08 January 2019

La forma delle idee - TMag n.10

Our magzine is dedicated to all those who put passion in the work they do.


23 December 2018

La Forma delle Idee, TMag N. 10, pp. 34-37

For over 50 years a specialist in metal processing TERENZI S.r.l. since 2007 has been producing Premiapri Nova by MERONI SERRATURE S.p.A.


20 December 2018

La Forma delle Idee, TMag N. 10, pp. 30-33

In April 2014 we started our collaboration with DIMAC RED S.p.A, immediately confirming a perfect working understanding.


19 December 2018

Assolombarda news

Terenzi Srl, a company of the Meccatronici Group, tell yourself...


17 December 2018

La Forma delle Idee, TMag N. 10, pp. 4-14

The products we realize today, compared to those of , but the production experience is the same, only renewed and updated in over 50 years of activity.


17 December 2018

La Forma delle Idee, TMag N.10, pp. 16-29

Behind every successful business there is someone who has made a bold decision. (Peter Druker)


16 December 2018

La Forma delle Idee, TMag N. 10, pp. 38-43

COMELIT GROUP S.p.A. innovates its products and TERENZI S.r.l., progenitor of TGroup, innovates the production processes to achieve them.